Safety Audits
Employers have a general duty of care to provide safe conditions in workplaces. Carrying out health and safety audits and publishing the findings to employees are essential steps in ensuring safe conditions.
We currently carry out safety inspections for a number clients across the uk, once an inspection or audit is carried out the client receives a full written report, anything which we feel needs immediate action we will inform the client whilst on site.
Safety Audit Checklist
- Documentation – health and safety policy, risk assessments, CDM construction phase plans, HSE notifications.
- Accidents and Incidents – have any accidents taken place, have they been reported and investigated, and what if any remedial action has been taken.
- First Aid – what arrangements are in place regarding first aid, have the first aiders received up to date training.
- Fire – what procedure are in place, have emergency routes been planned and signed correctly, are fire extinguishers in the correct locations and are they maintained.
- Housekeeping – fire risks, obstructions, materials causing trips.
- Electrical – PAT testing, test certificates, overloaded sockets.
- Safety Signage – is the correct signage been used in the appropriate locations, has statutory signage been displayed?
The inspection will be tailored to your requirements, if we are inspecting a construction site for example we would be checking your CDM documentation, i.e. the construction phase plan and the F10. This service can be provided along with our Principal Designer service.
Office workplace inspections will include things such as DSE, checking electrical appliances etc.
Our Safety Audits
Contact us with your requirements and we will provide a competitive quotation to use LHT Health & Safety as your safety inspectors.